Saturday, September 25, 2010

Forbes: Goodbye, Alibaba?

Lead: "Forbes" analysis of articles published Thursday, said analysts believe that even if Yahoo's shares were held by Alibaba buyback, Microsoft was unlikely to withdraw an offer, but it should be possible to reduce the offer price. Nevertheless, the possibility to raise prices much.

Alibaba Yahoo leadership is considering the repurchase of shares held by 39% because of concerns about Microsoft's acquisition. While Yahoo, Alibaba shares important. In a financial report released Tuesday, Yahoo's valuation of these shares was 32 billion U.S. dollars, 2.25 U.S. dollars a share.

So, if Yahoo really lose those shares, Microsoft will be interested to buy Yahoo it? Or, will reduce the offer price?

Analysts point is: Microsoft will not withdraw the offer. They pointed out that Microsoft attaches great importance to the mainstream advertising market in Google's competition, is unlikely to recover in this time of the Yahoo acquisition.缇庡浗鏅ㄦ槦鍏徃鍒嗘瀽甯堟媺閲屄风淮鐗?Larry Witt)绉帮細鈥滈樋閲屽反宸磋偂浠芥槸寰堥噸瑕侊紝浣嗗寰蒋鏉ヨ鍙槸鈥樿兘鏈夋洿濂解?鐨勬瑕佸洜绱犺?宸诧紝骞朵笉鏄畠鏀惰喘闆呰檸鐨勪富瑕佸師鍥犮?鈥?br />
銆??甯傚満鐮旂┒鍏徃American Technology Research鍒嗘瀽甯堢綏甯兟锋寰锋.(Rob Sanderson)瀵规涔熻〃绀鸿禐鍚岋細鈥滈樋閲屽反宸磋偂浠界‘瀹炲緢鏈変环鍊硷紝浣嗗苟闈炲井杞绾︾殑鈥樺熀鐭斥?銆傗?浠栨寚鍑猴紝寰蒋鍦ㄨ绾︿腑骞舵湭琛ㄧず鍑哄闆呰檸浜氭床甯傚満鏈夊緢澶х殑鍏磋叮锛屸?鎴戜滑鐢氳嚦涓嶇煡閬撳井杞槸鍚﹀闃块噷宸村反鎰熷叴瓒c?鈥?br />

銆??涓嶈繃锛屽嵆浣垮井杞笉浼氬洜姝ゆ敹鍥炶绾︼紝涔熸湁鍙兘浼氶檷浣庤绾︿环鏍笺?甯傚満鐮旂┒鍏徃American Technology Research浜掕仈缃戝垎鏋愬笀钂傚路鍗氫紛寰?Tim Boyd)绉帮細鈥滃井杞幇鍦ㄧ殑瑕佺害浠锋牸鏄瘡鑲?1缇庡厓锛屼竴鏃﹂泤铏庡け鍘婚樋閲屽反宸寸殑鑲′唤锛屽井杞氨寰堝彲鑳戒細鎶婁环鏍奸檷浣?.25缇庡厓銆傗?

銆??鍙︿竴绉嶈璋冨垯绉帮紝寰蒋涓嶄細鏇存敼瑕佺害浠锋牸锛岀悊鐢辨槸濡傛灉鏀惰喘鐪熻兘鎴愬姛锛屽垯鍗充娇闆呰檸鎵?寔鑲′唤琚樋閲屽反宸村洖璐紝寰蒋涔熷彲灏嗗叾鎵?緱鎻藉叆鎬?腑銆?br />
銆??鍒嗘瀽甯堣繕绉帮紝闃块噷宸村反鍥炶喘鑲′唤鐨勫彲鑳戒护寰蒋澶氫簡涓?釜鍧氭寔鐩墠瑕佺害浠锋牸鐨勭悊鐢便?鍗氫紛寰风О锛氣?姝ゅ墠甯傚満涓?嚧璁や负寰蒋灏嗘妸瑕佺害浠锋牸鎻愰珮鍒?5缇庡厓宸﹀彸锛屼絾姝や簨浠ゅ井杞淮鎸?1缇庡厓浠锋牸鐨勫彲鑳藉澶с?鈥?br />
銆??鍦ㄩ伃鍒拌偂涓滈泦浣撹瘔璁间互鍙婁笌鏂伴椈闆嗗洟銆佹椂浠e崕绾冲拰璋锋瓕璋堝垽鏃犳墍杩涘睍鐨勬儏鍐典笅锛屾帴鍙楀井杞洰鍓嶇殑鏀惰喘瑕佺害鎴栬鏄泤铏庢渶濂界殑銆佷篃鏄敮涓?殑閫夋嫨銆?br />


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Salesforce executives leaving three hundred will continue to recruit

According to foreign media reports, in the past week, three executives from the SAAS (software as a service) provider leave. The incident took place in this year's technology companies are facing spending cuts of the international business.

It is understood that the resignation of senior executives including President and Chief Strategy Officer 鍙茶拏澶崱甯冪憺 (Steve Cakebread), executive vice president of sales Jialihanna (Gary Hanna) and another senior vice president. reasons for the departure of three executives did not explain, for a time, the industry raised a number of rumors and speculation. In midday trading, shares down more than 7%, while at the same time, as technology stocks in the Nasdaq composite index index rose more than 2%.

Salesforce in China's embarrassment and frustration

The world is in the 10 years the most serious economic crisis of today, even though China has also been very difficult to influence, but the overall economy still maintained rapid growth, affect the world economy. How to open the Chinese market, for all enterprises from the "winter" is essential. Although difficult and Salesforce also Chinese, investment in Baidu PPC, trying to adapt to the Chinese mainland users, but in the face of China's thinking on business users of services lagged behind the price for the global uniform pricing, the price expensive for Chinese enterprises, but also there is no branch in the Chinese setting, the server did not even place in China, its Chinese domain name has been registered by, we can not understand the Chinese market Salesforce emphasis on careful analysis of the Salesforce in the Chinese market behavior, not difficult to see in China market of embarrassment and helplessness!

ZOHO operating strategy in China

As we all know, the world's largest online software business has been popular in Europe and the United States ZOHO, the CRM is a powerful and lower prices, eroding the Salesforce's CRM market at the same time, ZOHO face of the attitude of the Chinese market is completely different, with the largest Software On-line digital distribution service Star-depth cooperation, for the Chinese market to build the largest online platform Baihui (, Baihui is located in Silicon Valley, its servers, technical staff, consulting services, after-sales service for local Deng Jun of deployment of hundreds of millions of computer users in China to provide convenient, fast, reliable, high-quality one-stop online application services. From the perspective of China's emphasis hundred opportunities legislation has already accounted for, based on the good momentum of development in China, to China to provide better products and services, has been recruiting, increase server and other measures.

Currently, the functionality, applications, services, point of view, Baihui CRM and Salesforce is the most suitable for small and medium enterprises, but in China, Salesforce most lacking in services, Baihui CRM is localized service operators. In this fast fish eat slow fish of the Internet era, we have reason to believe that a hundred Council is to create a new chapter in online CRM.


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