Saturday, October 23, 2010

c language programming style

Chapter I: indentation

Tab is 8 characters, thus indentations are also 8 characters. There are many strange style, they indentation is defined as 4 characters (set to 2 characters!) Depth, which is like trying to PI defined as 3 as unacceptable.

The reasons are: the size of indentation is to clearly define the beginning and end of a block. Especially when you have spent in front of the computer more than 20 hours later, you will find a large indentation makes your program understanding easier.

Now, there are some people that use 8-character indentations makes the code from the right side close to the 80-character terminal screen width is difficult to be watching proceedings. The answer is, but your program has more than 3 indented time, you should modify your program.

In short, 8-character indentations makes the program easy to read, there is an additional advantage is that it can become nested layers you will program the time to give you a warning too. This time, you should modify your program .

Chapter II: The position of symbols

Another issue of C programming style is to brace treatment. Indentation with different sizes, there is little reason to choose one instead of another style, but there is a recommended style, it is the Kernighan and Ritchie's The classic book brings, it will start

Braces on the line last, and will end brace on the first line, as follows:

if (x is true) (we do y)
However, there is a special case: name function: brackets is the beginning of the next line on the first, as follows:

int function (int x) (body of function)
People of all unorthodox criticism this inconsistency, but all right-thinking people understand that: (1st) K & R is the ___ of the ___, and (Second) K & R, if not, see first. (:-))...... In addition, the function is special, need not be the same.

Note that the end of the bracket in its share of the line is empty, __ __ it apart with a statement as a continuation of the same symbol. Such as "while" in the do-while loop, or "else" In the if statement. as follows:

do (body of do-loop) while (condition);

if (x == y) (..) else if (x> y) (...) else (....)
Reason: K & R.

Also, note that this brace placement method reduces the number of blank lines, but no less readable. Thus, the screen size is limited, you can have more blank lines to write some comments the.

Chapter III: Naming System

C is a concise language, then the name should be simple. ASCAL with MODULE-2 and the language is different, C programmers do not use such ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter the like are named. A C language programmer will be the named "tmp", which is easy to write, and not so difficult to understand.

However, when the mixed type of the name had to appear when the descriptive name of the global variable is necessary for the. Call a name "foo" is a function of overall annoying. Global variables (only you have to use it only when used), as a global function, requires a descriptive naming. If you have a function used to calculate the number of active users, you should be so named - "count_active_users ()"-- or other similar forms, you should not be named "cntusr ()".

There is a method known as the Hungarian name, it will function, the type of code to write the variable name in this way is a manifestation of defective brain --- the compiler knows the type but also to check it, but this will only confuse programmer. - Why know why Micro $ oft will produce so many "bugs" program has to!!.

Local variable names should be short and pithy. If you have a random integer loop counter, it is possible to have "i", if it can be made without any possible misunderstanding, then, to write "loop_counter" is inefficient. Again a, "" tmp "can be any temporary value function variables.

If you are afraid of confusing the name of your local variables, there is another issue, which is called

Chapter IV: Function

Function should be short and charming, but only for one thing. It should only cover one or two screens (80 * 24 1 screen), and only for one thing, and will do it well. (Is not that UNIX- style me, translators note).

A function of the maximum length and complexity of function, and inversely proportional to indentation. So, if you have written a simple but a function of the length of long, and you have already done a lot of different situations very small things, write a function is a little longer does not matter.

However, if you write a very complex function, and you have estimated that if most people reading this function, he may not know what to say to this function, this time using the descriptive name of a help function.

Another consideration is the number of local variables. They should not exceed 5-10, or you may be wrong. To re-consider this function, they split into smaller functions. The human brain can often be very easy to remember live in 7 different things, more than this number would cause confusion. you know you are very smart, but you may still want to know two weeks before to do.

Chapter 5: Notes

Notes is a good thing, but too many notes and dangerous, do not try to explain your area code is a comment on how how good: you should write better code, rather than spending a lot of time to explain those bad code.

Usually, the comments you explain your code is doing what, not how to do. Moreover, Yao tried to avoid Jiang comment inserted in a function of Ti in: If this function Que Shihen Fuza, you Xuyao in which a part of Note, you should look back to Chapter IV. You can write a short note to indicate or warn those you think are particularly clever (or very ugly) part, but you have to avoid too much. Instead, the written comments before the function, telling people what to do in it, and possibly why.

Chapter VI: You have caught them up.

Do not worry. You may have been accused of "GUN emacs" will automatically help you deal with C source code format, and you have seen it does so, however, the case of default, its role is somewhat different of man (in fact, they are easily knocked out of something than even ugly - ainfinite number of mnkeys typing into GNU emacs would never make a good program)

So, you can either do not use GUN emacs, or let it use sanervalules. To use the latter, you need to enter the following statement to your. Emacs file.

(Defun linux-c-mode () "C mode with adjusted defaults for use with the Linux kernel." (Interactive) (c-mode) (c-set-style "K & R") (setq c-basic -offset8))
This will define a Mx Linux-c-mode command. When you when hacking a module, how you will -*- linux-c -*- input in the beginning of two lines, this mode will automatically work. Moreover, You may want to join the following

(Setq auto-mode-alist (cons''("/ usr / src / linux .*/.* \. 銆栥? Ch $ ". Linux-c-mode) auto-mode-alist))
To you. Emacs file, so that when you / usr / src / linux and edit the file, it automatically switches to linux-c-mode.

However, if you do not let emaces to automatically handle file formats, not nervous, you still have the same thing: "indent."

GNU indent is also very rigid format, which is why you need to add a few lines of command options. However, this is also not too bad, because the creator of GNU indent formats also remember the authority of K & R, (GNU is not crime, they simply wrong in this matter guided by the people), you have to do is just enter the options "-kr-i8" (that "K & R, indented 8 characters).

"Indent" has a lot of features, especially when it recommended that you re-format your code, you should look at the help. But remember: "indent" is not a bad program style Souls Dan.


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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Some tips on data collection

The face of research subjects or their number of ideas, we all want confirmation or a proof, which requires us to have rapid, timely and accurate grasp of information (doucument) and information (information) and information (intelligence) capabilities. Sometimes, its very confusing, often lost in the pile of information, the network, there seems to be no end of information, the so wanted to find a method of data collection, hoping to find what you want, mastery of knowledge, rather than letting it control I. The following ways and means I have recently considered, and now take the liberty of mention, we may as well explore the study.

1, the network search algorithm.

1) search engine method. Network Well, of course, the first use of network ah, so you can search engines is essential. Such a thing to check, you can google type in search terms, and then through a number of screening, may allow you to quickly understand and find what you want, or can not necessarily inspires you ah!

2) Core site
Daily access to the Internet, it should form for their own professional direction the core site, with these sites, you can often look to maintain their own knowledge and information sensitivity. For example, a number of professional organizations or government professional organizations, civil society website, Guoyan Wang (, Economic Information Network (, etc. .

2, the traditional resource discovery
I think the network's early look, basic access to the subject of general knowledge, then a very important and very effective way to be from the traditional books, journals and other resources to start, for orientation and will issue a query. Orientation is to find a particular type of topic it belongs to the core journals, core journals from the article, you can find new research directions and the extent of the trade; SDI is the refinement of the search, you can find articles relating to the topics , has a strong reference, reference of the literature.

It also can author, cited those and other aspects of search and reverse lookup.

3, research
If you have been a pre-data collection and analysis, it is best to practice to the next step to investigate what will be the subject of what the actual situation, data, news, development trend, etc. These and the fact that the information closest to Any other method is not available.

4, the daily accumulation of
On the information sensitivity of the culture, should be a cumulative process, in order to achieve this objective, we have in everyday work, study and life, develop on the data sorting, and the absorption of good practice. Good media is that we absorb nutrients hotbeds, such as TV: cctv in the "dialogue", "economic and a half hours", etc., flat: "21st Century Business Herald", "Economic Observer", "financial" and so on.

5, the use of extraordinary measures
Information and data collection time, and some are not using the means of retrieval can be achieved, but through some sense, not part of the information obtained by means of retrieval. For example, good ideas and ideas with colleagues or to students through the exchange of "brainstorming" method to get people to talk about and so on. In addition, such as information obtained can also use a wide variety of relationships, for example, U.S. scientists showed that: a package handed from one person to another random person hands where up to only six individuals, which is often lamented "This is really a small world" reasons.

Attachment: commonly used search engines


Search Engine:, a provider of products and services information web site, a new mailing list search engine, a magazine and articles on search engine, SAN FRANCISCO it search engine, to provide information technology professional information

Intelligent Search Engine:
A money search (,
Network Code (

Multimedia and image search:

Featured Site Search:, a trades experts in search engine, reference information, search engine

Search engine search engine:, it collected around the world search engine, directory, alphabetical by country., the world's largest search engine directory, Search Engine Guide

Integrated search engine:
(SSearch Spanie)
(Inference Find)
(Internet Sleuth)
(Super Seek)
(Ask Jeeves)
(IBM infomarket Service) http / /

Preference for professional search engine:
As the Internet search engine and can not cover all Internet sites, and different search engines have different emphases, so many search engines can select the appropriate professional search engine queries.

Recommended links:


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Forbes: Goodbye, Alibaba?

Lead: "Forbes" analysis of articles published Thursday, said analysts believe that even if Yahoo's shares were held by Alibaba buyback, Microsoft was unlikely to withdraw an offer, but it should be possible to reduce the offer price. Nevertheless, the possibility to raise prices much.

Alibaba Yahoo leadership is considering the repurchase of shares held by 39% because of concerns about Microsoft's acquisition. While Yahoo, Alibaba shares important. In a financial report released Tuesday, Yahoo's valuation of these shares was 32 billion U.S. dollars, 2.25 U.S. dollars a share.

So, if Yahoo really lose those shares, Microsoft will be interested to buy Yahoo it? Or, will reduce the offer price?

Analysts point is: Microsoft will not withdraw the offer. They pointed out that Microsoft attaches great importance to the mainstream advertising market in Google's competition, is unlikely to recover in this time of the Yahoo acquisition.缇庡浗鏅ㄦ槦鍏徃鍒嗘瀽甯堟媺閲屄风淮鐗?Larry Witt)绉帮細鈥滈樋閲屽反宸磋偂浠芥槸寰堥噸瑕侊紝浣嗗寰蒋鏉ヨ鍙槸鈥樿兘鏈夋洿濂解?鐨勬瑕佸洜绱犺?宸诧紝骞朵笉鏄畠鏀惰喘闆呰檸鐨勪富瑕佸師鍥犮?鈥?br />
銆??甯傚満鐮旂┒鍏徃American Technology Research鍒嗘瀽甯堢綏甯兟锋寰锋.(Rob Sanderson)瀵规涔熻〃绀鸿禐鍚岋細鈥滈樋閲屽反宸磋偂浠界‘瀹炲緢鏈変环鍊硷紝浣嗗苟闈炲井杞绾︾殑鈥樺熀鐭斥?銆傗?浠栨寚鍑猴紝寰蒋鍦ㄨ绾︿腑骞舵湭琛ㄧず鍑哄闆呰檸浜氭床甯傚満鏈夊緢澶х殑鍏磋叮锛屸?鎴戜滑鐢氳嚦涓嶇煡閬撳井杞槸鍚﹀闃块噷宸村反鎰熷叴瓒c?鈥?br />

銆??涓嶈繃锛屽嵆浣垮井杞笉浼氬洜姝ゆ敹鍥炶绾︼紝涔熸湁鍙兘浼氶檷浣庤绾︿环鏍笺?甯傚満鐮旂┒鍏徃American Technology Research浜掕仈缃戝垎鏋愬笀钂傚路鍗氫紛寰?Tim Boyd)绉帮細鈥滃井杞幇鍦ㄧ殑瑕佺害浠锋牸鏄瘡鑲?1缇庡厓锛屼竴鏃﹂泤铏庡け鍘婚樋閲屽反宸寸殑鑲′唤锛屽井杞氨寰堝彲鑳戒細鎶婁环鏍奸檷浣?.25缇庡厓銆傗?

銆??鍙︿竴绉嶈璋冨垯绉帮紝寰蒋涓嶄細鏇存敼瑕佺害浠锋牸锛岀悊鐢辨槸濡傛灉鏀惰喘鐪熻兘鎴愬姛锛屽垯鍗充娇闆呰檸鎵?寔鑲′唤琚樋閲屽反宸村洖璐紝寰蒋涔熷彲灏嗗叾鎵?緱鎻藉叆鎬?腑銆?br />
銆??鍒嗘瀽甯堣繕绉帮紝闃块噷宸村反鍥炶喘鑲′唤鐨勫彲鑳戒护寰蒋澶氫簡涓?釜鍧氭寔鐩墠瑕佺害浠锋牸鐨勭悊鐢便?鍗氫紛寰风О锛氣?姝ゅ墠甯傚満涓?嚧璁や负寰蒋灏嗘妸瑕佺害浠锋牸鎻愰珮鍒?5缇庡厓宸﹀彸锛屼絾姝や簨浠ゅ井杞淮鎸?1缇庡厓浠锋牸鐨勫彲鑳藉澶с?鈥?br />
銆??鍦ㄩ伃鍒拌偂涓滈泦浣撹瘔璁间互鍙婁笌鏂伴椈闆嗗洟銆佹椂浠e崕绾冲拰璋锋瓕璋堝垽鏃犳墍杩涘睍鐨勬儏鍐典笅锛屾帴鍙楀井杞洰鍓嶇殑鏀惰喘瑕佺害鎴栬鏄泤铏庢渶濂界殑銆佷篃鏄敮涓?殑閫夋嫨銆?br />


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Salesforce executives leaving three hundred will continue to recruit

According to foreign media reports, in the past week, three executives from the SAAS (software as a service) provider leave. The incident took place in this year's technology companies are facing spending cuts of the international business.

It is understood that the resignation of senior executives including President and Chief Strategy Officer 鍙茶拏澶崱甯冪憺 (Steve Cakebread), executive vice president of sales Jialihanna (Gary Hanna) and another senior vice president. reasons for the departure of three executives did not explain, for a time, the industry raised a number of rumors and speculation. In midday trading, shares down more than 7%, while at the same time, as technology stocks in the Nasdaq composite index index rose more than 2%.

Salesforce in China's embarrassment and frustration

The world is in the 10 years the most serious economic crisis of today, even though China has also been very difficult to influence, but the overall economy still maintained rapid growth, affect the world economy. How to open the Chinese market, for all enterprises from the "winter" is essential. Although difficult and Salesforce also Chinese, investment in Baidu PPC, trying to adapt to the Chinese mainland users, but in the face of China's thinking on business users of services lagged behind the price for the global uniform pricing, the price expensive for Chinese enterprises, but also there is no branch in the Chinese setting, the server did not even place in China, its Chinese domain name has been registered by, we can not understand the Chinese market Salesforce emphasis on careful analysis of the Salesforce in the Chinese market behavior, not difficult to see in China market of embarrassment and helplessness!

ZOHO operating strategy in China

As we all know, the world's largest online software business has been popular in Europe and the United States ZOHO, the CRM is a powerful and lower prices, eroding the Salesforce's CRM market at the same time, ZOHO face of the attitude of the Chinese market is completely different, with the largest Software On-line digital distribution service Star-depth cooperation, for the Chinese market to build the largest online platform Baihui (, Baihui is located in Silicon Valley, its servers, technical staff, consulting services, after-sales service for local Deng Jun of deployment of hundreds of millions of computer users in China to provide convenient, fast, reliable, high-quality one-stop online application services. From the perspective of China's emphasis hundred opportunities legislation has already accounted for, based on the good momentum of development in China, to China to provide better products and services, has been recruiting, increase server and other measures.

Currently, the functionality, applications, services, point of view, Baihui CRM and Salesforce is the most suitable for small and medium enterprises, but in China, Salesforce most lacking in services, Baihui CRM is localized service operators. In this fast fish eat slow fish of the Internet era, we have reason to believe that a hundred Council is to create a new chapter in online CRM.


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Thursday, July 29, 2010

For Unix terminal as the user moving

In the Windows operating system, the terminal can also make some simple settings. If you can set the input method of switching health and so on. But in the Windows operating system, this terminal set is very small. In the Unix operating system, you can set the terminal's many features to facilitate users. In fact, if we really want the user, in practical work may have encountered a similar phenomenon. If in some Unix operating systems, use the backspace key to delete a character; but in some operating systems are not. Even in the same version of the shell in the encounter this situation. In fact, this is not a problem with the keyboard, but because of the terminal caused by the personalized settings. Unix Systems Engineer sometimes need to adjust the terminal settings to suit their own work habits. Unix to manage the terminal as a file, so you can set the parameters of its many, basically contains all the features related with the terminal. But the system is not a lot of engineers actually use mainly the following aspects of the content.

1, Ctrl + C key combination can exit the application.


銆??濡傛灉闇?閲嶆柊鍚姩杩欎釜鍛戒护锛屽垯鍙互鍒╃敤stty intr ^c鏉ヨ缃?鍏朵腑Intr鏄帶鍒惰繖涓姛鑳界殑鍏抽敭瀛椼?^涓や釜绗﹀彿鍦ㄧ郴缁熶腑鏈夌壒娈婄殑鍚箟銆傚湪Unix涓璁剧疆鏌愪釜缁堢鍏抽敭瀛楀?锛岃繖閲岄噰鐢ㄧ殑鏄弽鏂滄潌锛岃?涓嶆槸绛夊彿鎴栬?鍏朵粬绗﹀彿銆傚彟澶栵紝^鍦║nix绯荤粺涓彨鍋氳劚瀛楃锛屽畠鍦ㄧ粓绔叧閿瓧璁剧疆鏃朵唬琛ㄧ殑鏄敭鐩樹笂鐨刢trl閿?鏈?悗鐨勫瓧绗琛ㄧず閿洏涓婄殑c閿?涓嶈繃闇?娉ㄦ剰鐨勬槸锛岃繖鏄竴涓皬蹇冪殑瀛楃c锛岃?涓嶆槸澶у啓鐨勩?涓婇潰杩欎釜鍛戒护灏辨槸鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺锛屽埄鐢–trl+c閿綔涓轰腑鏂鍙枫?


銆??鍦║nix鎿嶄綔绯荤粺涓紝鏈夋椂鍊欐枃鏈柟寮忕殑鎿嶄綔瑕佹瘮鍥惧舰鍖栨搷浣滃鐨勫銆傜壒鍒槸灏哢nix鎿嶄綔绯荤粺褰撲綔鏈嶅姟鍣ㄦ潵绠$悊锛屽線寰?彧鎶婃搷浣滅郴缁熷惎鍔ㄥ綋鏂囨湰妯″紡锛岃?涓嶆槸褰撳浘褰㈠寲妯″紡銆傝繖涓嶄粎鍙互鎻愰珮鏈嶅姟鍣ㄧ殑宸ヤ綔鏁堢巼锛岃?涓旇繕鏈夊埄浜庢彁楂樺叾绋冲畾鎬с?涓嶈繃濡傛灉閫氳繃鏂囨湰妯″紡鏉ョ鐞嗘搷浣滅郴缁燂紝瀵逛簬涓嶅皯绯荤粺宸ョ▼甯堟潵璇达紝浼氬甫鏉ヤ竴浜涙寫鎴橈紝鍥犱负閮介渶瑕侀?杩囬敭鐩樻潵瀹屾垚鐩稿叧鐨勬搷浣溿?濡傚湪鍐欓偖浠舵椂锛屼竴鍒囨搷浣滈兘鏄潬閿洏鏉ュ畬鎴愩?鍦ㄦ鏃跺氨浼氶亣鍒颁竴涓枃浠讹紝濡備綍鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺宸茬粡灏嗘枃鏈緭鍏ュ畬鎴愪簡鍛?濡傚湪鏂囨湰妯″紡涓嬩功鍐欓偖浠讹紝闇?鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鍙互缁撴潫閿洏鐨勮緭鍏ユ搷浣滀簡銆傚鍦ㄥ埄鐢╟at鍛戒护鍒涘缓鏂囦欢鏃讹紝涔熼渶瑕佹墜宸ョ殑鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鏂囦欢鍐呭宸茬粡瀹屾垚浜嗐?姝ゆ椂锛岀郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀鍙互浣跨敤Ctrl+a閿潵鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺銆傝繖涓姛鑳藉湪绯荤粺涓搴旂殑鍏抽敭瀛楁槸eof(鏂囦欢缁撳熬绗?銆傜郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀濡傛灉鐢ㄤ笉鎯繖涓粍鍚堥敭鐨勮瘽锛屽彲浠ュ埄鐢ㄥ懡浠tty鏉ヨ繘琛屾洿鏀广?濡傛湁浜涗粠寰蒋杞杩囨潵鐨勭郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀锛岀郴缁熶娇鐢–trl+e閿潵琛ㄧず鏂囦欢缁撴潫绗︼紝鑰屼笉鍠滄浣跨敤杩欎釜Ctrl+a閿?鍙兘鍦ㄥ井杞骇鍝佷腑杩欐槸琛ㄧず鍏ㄩ?鐨勫惈涔夊惂)銆傛鏃跺氨鍙互鍒╃敤杩欎釜鍛戒护鏉ヨ繘琛岃缃細stty eof ^e銆傝窡涓婇潰鐨勫懡浠ら潪甯哥浉浼硷紝鍙槸鎵?噰鐢ㄧ殑鍏抽敭瀛椾笉鍚岃?宸层?涓嶈繃鍦ㄦ洿鏀硅繖浜涚粓绔搷浣滅鍙风殑鏃跺?锛岄渶瑕佹敞鎰忛伩鍏嶉噰鐢ㄧ浉鍚岀殑缁堢鎿嶄綔绗﹀彿銆傚惁鍒欑殑璇濓紝鍙兘浼氬嚭鐜颁竴浜涜帿鍚嶅叾濡欑殑闂銆?br />

銆??鍦ㄩ敭鐩樹笂鏈変袱涓敭锛屼竴涓槸del閿紝鐢ㄦ潵鍚戝悗鍒犻櫎瀛楃銆傚彟澶栦竴涓槸閫?牸閿紝鍒欑敤鏉ュ悜鍓嶅垹闄ゅ瓧绗︺?浣嗘槸鏈夋椂鍊欑郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀浼氬彂鐜伴?鏍奸敭涓嶈兘澶熻捣浣滅敤锛屽叾涓嶈兘澶熷悜鍚庡垹闄ゅ瓧绗︺?鎺掗櫎閿洏鏁呴殰澶栵紝寰?線涔熸槸杩欎釜缁堢閰嶇疆鎵?児鐨勭ジ銆傚湪缁堢閰嶇疆涓湁涓叧閿瓧鍙仛echoe锛屽叾灏辨槸鐢ㄦ潵鎺у埗鏄惁鍏佽浣跨敤閫?牸閿潵鍚戝悗鍒犻櫎瀛楃銆備笉杩囪繖涓缃窡涓婇潰鐨勮缃柟娉曟湁宸紓銆傚鏋滈渶瑕佺鐢ㄨ繖涓姛鑳界殑璇濓紝鍒欓渶瑕佷娇鐢╯tty 鈥揺choe鍛戒护銆傚鏋滈渶瑕佸惎鐢ㄧ殑璇濓紝鍒欓渶瑕佷娇鐢╯tty echoe鍛戒护銆?br />
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銆??鍥涖?鐢ㄦ埛杈撳叆鐨勫唴瀹逛笉鍥炴樉銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄧ櫥闄哢nix鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鏃?鏂囨湰妯″紡涓?锛岀敤鎴烽渶瑕佽緭鍏ュ笎鎴峰悕涓庡瘑鐮佹墠鑳藉鐧婚檰銆傚綋鐢ㄦ埛杈撳叆瀵嗙爜鏃讹紝鍦ㄥ睆骞曚笂涓嶄細鏈変换浣曠殑鎻愮ず锛岃繛*濂芥帺楗扮鍙烽兘娌℃湁銆傛湁鏃跺?锛岀郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀涓轰簡浼肩殑鑴氭绋嬪簭涔熷彲浠ュ悜杩欎釜鍙d护涓?牱锛屾帴鏀剁敤鎴风殑杈撳叆鑰屼笉鏄皢鍐呭杈撳嚭鍒板睆骞曚笂(鍗崇敤鎴疯緭鍏ョ殑鍐呴儴涓嶅洖鏄惧埌灞忓箷涓?锛屽氨闇?淇敼echo杩欎釜鍏抽敭瀛楃殑鍊笺?涓嶈瑕佹敞鎰忥紝淇敼杩欎釜鍏抽敭瀛楃殑鏃跺?闇?涓夋璧般?绗竴姝ュ皢杩欎釜鍏抽敭瀛楄缃负-echo(琛ㄧず鍚戝瘑鐮侀偅鏍蜂笉鍥炴樉鐢ㄦ埛杈撳叆鐨勫唴瀹?;绗簩姝ヤ笉鍥炴樉鐨勬帴鏀剁敤鎴疯緭鍏ョ殑鍐呭锛屾鏃剁敤鎴风殑浠讳綍杈撳叆涓嶄細鏄剧ず鍒板睆骞曚笂;绗笁姝ュ啀灏嗚繖涓叧閿瓧璁剧疆涓篹cho锛屽嵆鍚庣画鐨勫唴瀹瑰厑璁稿叾鏄剧ず鍦ㄥ睆骞曚笂銆傚洜涓哄湪澶ч儴鍒嗘儏鍐典笅锛岄兘鏄渶瑕佺郴缁熷皢鐢ㄦ埛杈撳叆鐨勭粨鏋滄樉绀哄湪灞忓箷涓婄殑銆傚惁鍒欑殑璇濓紝涓嶈兘澶熶繚璇佺敤鎴疯緭鍏ョ殑鍑嗙‘鎬с?鎵?互锛屽湪浣跨敤瀹屾瘯鍚庯紝涓?畾瑕佽杩欎釜鍏抽敭瀛楄缃负鍘熷厛鐨勫?锛屽嵆鍒╃敤stty 鈥揺cho灏嗚繖涓叧閿瓧璁剧疆鍥炴潵銆傝繖閲宔cho涔熸槸鍒╃敤-鍙锋潵浠h〃鐨勪竴涓叧閿瓧锛屼篃灏辨槸璇磋繖涓姛鑳戒篃鏄竴涓紑鍏冲姛鑳姐?鍦ㄨ缃椂锛岃涔堝叧闂紝瑕佷箞鍚敤銆傝?绗笁绉嶅鐞嗘柟娉曘?涔熷氨鏄锛屽鏋滄兂瑕佺敤鎴疯緭鍏ョ殑鍐呭浠?鍙锋潵浠f浛鐨勮瘽锛屽垯闇?閲囩敤鍏朵粬鐨勬柟寮忋?纭疄锛岃繖涓互*鏄剧ず鐨勬柟寮忚窡缁堢璁剧疆鏃犲叧銆?br />


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Monday, July 26, 2010

Currently the iPhone into China is not yet ripe

November 15, according to foreign media reports, Gartner analyst Sandy Shen said recently, now the Apple iPhone mobile phone to the Chinese market is not mature.

China Mobile CEO Wang said this week two, iPhone, China Mobile plans to introduce the mainland market, but are not yet in the revenue-sharing agreement with Apple.

This, Gartner analyst Sandy Shen has said that the current introduction of the Apple iPhone, China is not yet ripe. IPhone, not only because of the high prices, while China Mobile is not willing to deviate from the traditional business model for many years.

Shen said: "iPhone for high-end users, this is a very small market. IPhone mobile operators need to share the revenue, which in China is unprecedented, I believe China Mobile is not willing to share this part of the revenue."

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Renewable energy is energy from alternative energy to mainstream change

21st Century Renewable Energy Policy Network "forum on the 8th report released here said that renewable energy is rapidly from the" alternative energy "to" mainstream energy "change-related investment in 2007 estimated worldwide more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, China and other developing countries in the use of renewable energy is developing rapidly.

Reported that the current global power generation capacity of about 4.3 trillion watts, not including the large-scale renewable energy, including hydropower generation capacity reached about 240 billion watts, which is equal to 5 billion tons per year of carbon emissions avoided, if the calculation of large-scale hydropower including renewable energy generation capacity more than 1 trillion watts.

The report says nearly two years, the global renewable energy industry maintained a rapid growth of. For example, investment in wind energy was the largest of its power generation capacity beginning in 2000 with an annual 25-30 percent growth rate in 2007 reached 93 billion watts, which is 11 times in 1997. Solar thermal power generation and bio-energy power generation capacity to an annual 15-20 percent growth rate.

The report mentions that China is the first largest producer of solar water heaters; large number of small hydropower stations in China to increase rapidly; small renewable energy projects are continuing into China's rural energy system.

The report also pointed out that Brazil, India, Egypt, Iran, Morocco and other developing countries are vigorously developing renewable energy sources, such as Brazil, ethanol fuel projects in the largest in the world.

"The 21st Century Renewable Energy Policy Network" forum on renewable energy, provided the international community has a global policy dialogue, and in governments, international organizations and nongovernmental organizations and industry associations as between the link role. The Forum released a year starting in 2005 a report on the global renewable energy report.

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